About journal
- General provisions
1.1. The scientific journal “Issues of Humanitarian Sciences” (further – “Journal”) was established in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About periodical publocations and other mass media”, Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “About publishing” and based on the Founder’s decision of 04 April 2019 (Order№ 3).
1.2. Founder of the Journal (further – “Founder”) is the Institute of Humanities named after academic B. Iskandarov of the Tajik National Academy of Sciences, that was established in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan from 9 September 1991 № 147 “On the establishment of the Institute of Humanities”.
1.3. The Journal is considered established from the date of its State registration, carries out its activity in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan, orders of the Founder and this Regulation, also have the right to sign contracts on its own behalf, to have property and personal non-property rights, and to participate in civil proceedings.
1.4. The Journal contributes to the advancement of philology, history, philosophy and economics, and the promotion of the achievements of Tajik scholars in the fields of linguistics, history, ethnography, archeology, philosophy, folklore, literature and economics. The journal is intended for researchers, researchers, teachers and students of the faculties of philology, history, philosophy and economics, as well as research centers for Tajik and international oriental studies.
1.5. The Journal is published in Tajik, Russian and English Languages.
1.6. The Journal is published 4 times a year (once every three months) in A4 format, in 11 printed sheet. The selection of authors’ articles for publication in a journal is made in accordance with the “Rules for Authors” guidelines published in the journal. The magazine has its own permanent name and its own artistic and graphic design. The magazine is distributed at the request of clients and one-time requests of institutions and individuals.
1.7. The publisher of the Journal is the Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskandarov of Tajik National Academy of Sciences. Fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Journal is ensured by the editorial staff. The Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskandarov edits, designs and publishes the Journal.
1.8. Issues of publication and termination of the Journal, reorganization, renaming, period of publication, volume, cost, monthly salary fund of the main editorial staff is decided by the administration of the Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskandarov of the TNAS.
1.9. Full name of the Journal:
– in Tajik: Маҷаллаи “Масъалаҳои имлҳои гуманитарӣ”;
– in Russian: Журнал “Вопросы гуманитарных наук”;
– in English: Journal “Issues of Humanitarian Sciences”.
1.1 Legal address (location) of the Journal: Republic of Tajikistan, Khorog, U. Kholdorova 4 Street.; phone: (992) 93 489 2626; (992) 93 597 11 76; (992) 93 535 31 68.
- Management of the Journal
2.1. The Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskandarov of the TNAS in accordance with the established procedure determines the thematic direction of the Journal, assists the editorial staff in its practical activities.
2.2. The Board of the TNAS in accordance with the established procedure approves the chief editor of the Journal, deputy of the chief editor, executive secretary and editorial staff.
2.3. The Institute of Humanities named after B. Iskandarov of the TNAS in accordenc of the recommendation of the Chief editor will consider the issues of restructuring and editorial board.
2.4. The Institute of Humanities named after Academician B. Iskandarov TNAS:
– reviews the reports of the editorial staff and takes necessary steps to improve its work;
– controls the timely publication of the Journal and the quality of its printing, and takes the necessary measures for the regular work of the publishing house and printing house;
– undertakes timely payment for the publication of the Journal;
– Evaluates the results of the editorial staff of the Journal;
– At the suggestion of the chief editor the staff of the Journal will be awarded for specific achievements in creative and organizing work..
- Duties of the editorial staff of the Journal
3.1. The editorial staff is made up of leading specialists who are necessary for the successful implementation of the Journal tasks.
3.2. The editorial staff ensures a high level of scientific articles and timely preparation of issues of the Journal for their submission in accordance with the plan for publication, review and scientific editing of articles published in the Journal and works with authors.
3.3. The editorial staff may, at the suggestion of the chief editor, change the order of publication of articles in case of special importance of articles or for the purpose of selecting materials for the next issue of the Journal.
3.4. The editorial and publishing staff are obliged to follow the production schedule of the Journal.
3.5. The editorial staff is the governing body of the group. Its members include the chiefeditor, deputy of the chief editor, executive secretary, and members of the editorial board in accordance with the Journal’s qualifications. The editorial staff is approved periodically by the Board of the TNAS at least once every five years.
3.6. The chief editor personally responsible for the content of the journal and its scientific level. The Chief editor provides scientific and organizational guidance; regulates the use of funds for organizational needs; signs the number of the Journal for typing, printing and publishing; represents the editorial staff of the Journal in government agencies and institutions.
3.7. The Deputy of the Chief Editor oversees the scientific editing of articles and their selection for the next issue; monitors the quality of the publication by comparing the number of issues with the author’s handwriting.
3.8. The members of the editorial board shall carry out the scientific review and editing of the articles in accordance with the sections of the journal to which they are attached and shall submit the relevant section to the meetings of the editorial board.
3.9. The executive secretary receives articles from authors; provides the order of review of articles to the members of the editorial board, bundles issues of the Journal, prepares the meeting of the editorial board and prepares the Protocols of these meetings; submits the manuscript of the bundled issues to the publisher; controls the period of publication and falsification of the Journal; corresponds with authors, reviewers, readers and subscribers.
3.10. Meetings of the editorial board are held as needed. Members of the editorial board must be notified by the executive secretary of the meeting and its agenda at least three days before the meeting.
3.11. The editorial board has the right:
– suspends articles that are not suitable for publication;
– return articles for editing as directed by the editor;
– in case of disagreement in the evaluation of the article among the members of the editorial board, at the discretion of the editorial staff, it is sent for external review.;
– with the consent and coordination of the author, shorten the manuscript or make changes;
– in the event that the Journal’s office receives a complaint from readers that the author of the published article made a mistake, ки related to scientific content, distortions of statements by other authors or statements that infringe the copyright of other authors, the editorial board has the right to publish these comments; the author of an article addressed to him with such comments shall have the right to respond to comments published in the pages of the Journal.
- Legal status of the Journal
4.1. The Journal has the right to receive certain funds from the sale of the Journal, which will be used to achieve the Regulation purposes of the Journal.
4.2. The Journal has the right to use bank loans.
4.3. The Journal has other rights defined by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan for non-profit organizations.
4.4The Journal is responsible for its obligations with the amount of money in its independent balance sheet..
- Purpose and types of activity of the Journal
5.1. The Journal is intended for cultural figures, researchers, university students and a wide range of readers in the Republic of Tajikistan and abroad, and provides coverage of scientific, cultural, socio-economic achievements and problems.
5.2. Маќсад ва вазифањои асосии Маљалла аз инњо иборат мебошанд:
– publication of scientific information on topical issues of linguistics, socio-economic, social and cultural situation of GBAO and the republic among the;
– coverage of scientific and research achievements of scientists of Tajikistan and foreign countries;
– Cooperation with public organizations and official organizations to ensure the publication of the Journal;
– information and propaganda activities.
5.3. for the fulfilment of its regulation functions the Journal may:
– conduct round tables, lectures, seminars and programs to promote its activities;
– publish the necessary information on the problems of the Journal’s activities.
- Termination of the Journal
6.1. Termination of the Journal occurs as a result of its reorganization or liquidation.
6.2. Reorganization of the Journal is carried out by the decision of the Founder in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan. In case of reorganization of the Journal, all documents shall be transferred to its legal successor in accordance with the established procedure.
6.3. Liquidation of the Journal is carried out in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan.
6.4. Property acquired after satisfaction of creditors’ claims, as well as at the expense of private funds, passes to the Founder.
- Adoption and approval of the Regulation
7.1. The Regulation of the Journal and amendments and additions there to shall be approved by the Founder.
7.2. Amendments and additions to this Regulation shall be made by the Founder if they do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
7.3. All amendments and additions to this Regulation shall be subject to state registration in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, and shall enter into force upon such registration.